Export gateway for Queensland resources
The NQXT has a nameplate capacity of 50 million tonnes per annum, providing strategic access to nearly a dozen major resource production companies and supporting the Queensland and Australian economies.
Commitment to the environment and sustainability
Bravus is committed to the highest standards of environmental management and sustainability and the NQXT is no exception. The Terminal has been exporting high quality thermal and metallurgical coal from Queensland mines to the world safely and responsibly for more than three decades.
The Terminal operates under a robust Environment and Sustainability Framework adjacent to protected terrestrial and marine environments. The Terminal is dedicated to protecting the local environment and operates under ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System accreditation requirements. All works are undertaken in strict compliance with environmental requirements and the terminal operator APO works closely with approval bodies to ensure all activities are managed appropriately in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.
Support for our community
Like all of Bravus’ Australian companies, NQXT is dedicated to the local community around Bowen and its Community Support Program is led by APO as the terminal operator. The program has identified opportunities to create positive social impact through support for a range of community groups and activities in the focus areas of health, education, environment and sustainability. The program is continually developed and refined in consultation with government, community groups and key stakeholders.