A word from Bravus' Executive Director, Samir Vora.
The outlook for thermal coal remains strong, with energy demand in the Asia-Pacific region forecast to grow exponentially as people in countries such as India join the middle class and begin to live the kind of life we take for granted — meaning they buy and run cars, fridges, air conditioners, stoves and work in energy-dependent industries. Coal will be needed alongside renewables to provide affordable reliable energy, while reducing emissions intensity.
Bravus has seen more than its fair share of challenges, but we have overcome these. We have delivered more than $1.5bn in contracts to small businesses and large organisations and more than 2000 jobs. We meet the high standards of environmental regulation and continue to operate responsibly.
We are also proud of the Adani Group’s rapid expansion in renewable energy. The Adani Group company Adani Green Energy Limited ranks as the world’s top multi-national solar generation company. The reality is that coal and renewables are needed to provide a sustainable energy mix.
We agree that as renewable technology improves it will supply proportionally more energy. This will take time as thermal power stations won’t be retired until they reach the end of their lives. That is why for us the future is not about coal or renewables. It is about coal and renewables.